
Discover the benefits of Bach flowers for your well-being

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Bach flowers are natural remedies used to improve emotional and mental well-being. Developed in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, these remedies are based on wild flower extracts that work to harmonize negative emotions. Today, Bach flowers are appreciated throughout the world for their ability to promote emotional balance without side effects.

What are Bach flowers?

Bach flowers are flower essences prepared from specific wild flowers, each of which is selected for its unique properties. These remedies do not treat physical symptoms directly, but aim to resolve negative emotional states that may contribute to physical discomfort. The concept behind Bach Flower Remedies is that emotional well-being is crucial to overall health.

History of Bach Flowers

Dr. Edward Bach, a British physician, developed Bach Flower Remedies in the 1930s. Bach believed that a person's emotional state was fundamental to their physical health. After years of research, he identified 38 negative emotional states and found a corresponding flower for each. Each remedy was created to help rebalance these emotional states.

How do Bach flowers work?

Bach flowers work on the principle of energetic vibration. Each flower emanates a specific frequency that can positively influence a person's emotional energy. When a person takes Bach Flower, the essence of the flower works to rebalance and harmonize negative emotions, promoting a sense of calm and well-being.

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The 38 Bach Flower Remedies

The 38 Bach Flower Remedies are divided into seven main categories, each of which treats a different group of negative emotions:

Remedies for Fear

  1. Mimulus: for known fears.
  2. Aspen: for fears and anxieties of unknown origin.
  3. Cherry Plum: for fear of losing control.
  4. Red Chestnut: due to excessive anxiety about others.
  5. Rock Rose: for terror and panic.

Remedies for Uncertainty

  1. Waxed: due to lack of confidence in one's decisions.
  2. Scleranthus: for those who have difficulty deciding between two things.
  3. Gentian: for pessimism and demoralization.
  4. Gorse: out of desperation.
  5. Hornbeam: for the feeling of mental fatigue.
  6. Wild Oats: for those looking for their vocation.

Remedies for Lack of Interest in the Present

  1. Clematis: for those who live in the world of dreams.
  2. Honeysuckle: for those who live in the past.
  3. Wild Rose: for apathy.
  4. Olives: for exhaustion after exertion.
  5. White Chestnut: for recurring thoughts.
  6. Mustard: for depression without apparent cause.
  7. Chestnut Bud: for those who don't learn from experiences.

Remedies for Loneliness

  1. Water Violet: for those who prefer to be alone.
  2. Impatiens: for impatience.
  3. Heather: for those who constantly seek company.

Remedies for Hypersensitivity to External Influences

  1. Agrimony: for those who hide their worries behind a happy facade.
  2. Centaury: for those who have difficulty saying no.
  3. Walnut: for those affected by changes.
  4. Holly: for feelings of hatred, envy and jealousy.

Remedies for Despair and Despondency

  1. Larch: due to lack of self-confidence.
  2. Pine: because of the guilt.
  3. Elm: for those who feel overwhelmed by responsibilities.
  4. Sweet Chestnut: for extreme desperation.
  5. Star of Bethlehem: for trauma and shock.
  6. Willow: for resentment.
  7. Oak: for those who continue to fight despite exhaustion.
  8. Crab Apple: for the sense of impurity.

Remedies for Excessive Concern for the Welfare of Others

  1. Chicory: for possessive love.
  2. Vervain: due to excess enthusiasm.
  3. Vine: for those who are dominators.
  4. Beech: for intolerance.
  5. Rock Water: for those who are too hard on themselves.

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How to Use Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies are easy to use. Usually, 2-4 drops of the chosen remedy are taken directly under the tongue or diluted in a glass of water, four times a day. It is important to be consistent and patient, as the remedies work gently and gradually. It is also possible to create a customized blend of multiple remedies to address complex emotional states.

Bach Flowers for Children

Bach flowers are safe for children and can be used to address a variety of emotional problems, such as anxiety, fear of the dark, difficulty in school and sleep disorders. Being completely natural, they have no side effects and can be administered safely under the guidance of a parent or an experienced therapist.

Bach Flowers for Animals

Even animals can benefit from Bach flowers. These remedies can help manage problematic behaviors such as separation anxiety, aggression, and fear of loud noises. To administer the remedies to animals, a few drops can be added to the animal's food or water.


Bach flowers represent a natural and delicate approach to rebalancing emotions and improving general well-being. With a wide range of remedies available, each targeting specific emotional states, they offer a versatile option for dealing with everyday challenges. Discover our complete selection on Herbal medicine and start your journey towards better emotional balance.