La medicina omeopatica della direzione di trattamento antroposofica non sono indicati indicazione terapeutica.
Dosage and method of administration:
Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, children 1 to 3 times a day 3 globules, children under 6 1 to 3 times Velati 3-7 globules daily as well as adults and children from 6 years 1 to 3 times a day 5-10 globules dissolve under the tongue. In infants, it is recommended before administration, the globules specified amount to dissolve in a small amount of water or tea without sugar.
globuli: In 10 g è preparato:
Urtica urens ex herba ferm 33c Dil. D4 1 g (HAB, Vs. 33c)
contains sucrose (sucrose / sugar).
Active principles:
Urtica urens ex herba ferm 33c