Australian Bush Flower Essences CROWEA (Crowea saligna Andrews) Gocce 15 ml viene solitamente impiegato come rimedio specifico per l’ansia e per l’ansia anticipatoria, cioè quando mi preoccupo per qualcosa che non si è ancora verificato e che non so se mai si verificherà. Dona calma ed equilibrio, aiuta in tutte le problematiche di stomaco e utilizzato in tutti i disagi fisici che sono alla base di contratture muscolari (effetto miorilassante).
Negative conditions:
Preoccupazioni, perdita dell’equilibrio, mancanza di sicurezza di se stessi, sensazione di non essere abbastanza adeguato
Riscoperta dell’equilibrio individuale
Rinnovato contatto con i propri sentimenti
The preparation we propose here is in the form of Mother Essence. It can be used to create dilutions on a base of water and brandy.
How to use
To influence emotional states in the long term, prepare the “ready-to-use” bottle in the following way: fill a 30 ml dropper bottle with natural mineral water for two thirds, and add brandy for the remaining part, in order to preserve the preparation.
Then add 2 drops of Australian Bush Flower Essence to the mixture, for each essence chosen.
In case of alcohol intolerance, brandy can be replaced with apple cider vinegar or vegetable glycerin.
The standard dosage is 4 drops under the tongue, 4 times a day.
Shake the bottle gently before use to keep the energy of the essences in an enhanced state.
The aqueous floral preparation is made according to the traditional technique of preparing floral essences**, aimed at impressing their energetic information. **Essences does not refer to the presence of essential oils.
Flower as per product name, purified water, alcohol (25%)
15 ml bottle.